AGIFORS is the outcome of informal discussions between six airline Operational Research workers (from Air France, BEA, KLM, Sabena, Swissair and Trans Canada) who were present at the second international conference in Operational Research at Aix en Provence, France, in 1960. These informal discussions led to the formation of a committee, which organized a Symposium on the use of Operational Research within the airline industry, at Spring Valley, New York in October 1961. This Symposium was deemed successful and resulted in the formation of AGIFORS as a professional society dedicated to the free exchange of ideas and new advances in Operations Research within the airline industry. Today the AGIFORS membership exceeds 2000 professionals representing more than 500 airlines, airline manufacturers, universities and aviation related companies and associations. News
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Membership of AGIFORS is open to employees of airlines and airline related companies, who are qualified practitioners in OR and/or working in the OR field.