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AGIFORS Symposium 2020 - Detailed Agenda

Tuesday 20th
Eastern UTC Time Title Speaker
08:45 12:45 Welcome David Foster (Agifors President) - Laurie Garrow
09:00 13:00 Selling your last seat cheaply or expensively? A single dimensional DP approach for RM  Daniel Hopman, VU University, Amsterdam
09:30 13:30 Conservative Selective Redistribution of Airport Delays  Max Z. Li, MIT
10:00 14:00 Keynote Sander Stomph, VP at KLM Co-leading KLM-BCG Digital Ops. Partnership.
11:00 15:00 break  
11:30 15:30 Panel RM: COVID-19, a chance to reset revenue management practices? Moderators:
- Virginie Lurkin and Laurie Garrow
13:00 17:00 break  
13:30 17:30 What to Do When There Is No History: Predicting Demand Recovery Under Covid-19 Pandemic  Olivier G. Leblanc / Yiqin Song / Cindy Yao / Gurpreet Kaur Cheema, Air Canada 
14:00 18:00 Improving Humanitarian Flight Scheduling  Yoram Mekking, Aviation Decision Sciences /  Delft University of Technology
14:30 18:30 Revenue management forecasting in times of change – Addressing the Need for Speed  Thomas Fiig and Mike Wittman, Amadeus
15:00 19:00 End  
Wednesday 21th
Eastern UTC Time Title Speaker
08:45 12:45 Ken Wang Scholar announcement  David F. (Agifors President)
09:00 13:00 Large-scale Vibration Monitoring of Aircraft Engines from Operational Data using Self-organized Models  Florent Forest, Safran Aircraft Engines/Université Sorbonne Paris Nord
09:30 13:30 Cargo space contracting in the presence of price competing carriers under demand uncertainty  Pr. Benny Mantin,  University of Luxembourg
10:00 14:00 Airlines Update: Cancelled David F. (Agifors President)
11:00 15:00 break  
11:30 15:30 Anna Valicek Award - Introduction Richard Cleaz Savoyen and Eric Ruhlin
Finalist 1
Finalist 2
13:30 17:30 Anna Valicek Award Deliberation  (jury members only)
14:30 18:30 End  
Thursday 22nd
Eastern UTC Time Title Speaker
08:00 12:00 Keynote Robert Lange , Senior Vice President, Head of Market and Product Strategy at Airbus
09:00 13:00    
Panel Crew: COVID-19, In search of Gems amongst the lumps of Coal Moderator: Daniel Stecher, IBS
10:30 14:30 break  
11:00 15:00 When and How Airline Bookings Will Return to Cruising Altitude  Ross Winegar, PROS 
11:30 15:30 Improving Operations with SImulation  Bronwyn Jackson, Boeing
12:00 16:00 Air Travel Demand Stimulation: Learned Lessons from the Pre-pandemic Time  Ahmed Abdelghany, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
12:30 16:30 break  
13:00 17:00 Panel OPS: COVID-19 operations update, and when/what will be the “new normal”  
Moderator: Mike Irrgang
14:30 18:30 break  
15:00 19:00 Anna Valicek Award Announcement  & AGIFORS Business Meeting David Foster, Richard Cleaz Savoyen and Laurie Garrow
15:30 19:30 End  
Friday 23nd
Eastern UTC Time Title Speaker
09:00 13:00 Airline Delay Prediction: Embeddings for Tabular Datasets  Steve Wilson, Cirium
09:30 13:30 Network design and optimisation for distribution of Covid-19 vaccines  Wim Vanroose, University of Antwerpen / Motulus
10:00 14:00 Optimal Revenue-Equivalence Baggage Pricing for Airlines  Prabhupad Bharadwaj, Indian Institute of Technology Madras 
10:30 14:30 break  
11:00 15:00 Vendors Boeing
Dassault Systemes
Lufthansa Systems
PASSUR Aerospace
SlipStream Aviation Software, Inc.
14:00 18:00 End
Panel OPS: COVID-19 operations update, and when/what will be the “new normal”
Moderator: Mike Irrgang

- Bolivar Dominguez – Vice President Operations – Copa
- Jason Herter – Vice President OCC – Indigo
- Jeff Meaney – Director Aircraft Routing and Operations Planning, SOC – Air Canada
- Tim Niznik – Director of Analytics IOC – American Airlines
- Daan Debie – Director Engineering & Architecture – KLM
- Pablo Aznavurian – Vice President Operations – AeroMéxico
Panel RM: COVID-19, a chance to reset revenue management practices?
Moderators: Virginie Lurkin and Laurie Garrow

- Eric Ruhlin, Managing Director Revenue Decision Support, United Airlines
- Richard Cleaz-Savoyen, Director, Revenue Optimization, Air Canada 
- Dennis Buitendijk, Manager Operations Research, Qatar Airways
- Arjan Westerhof, Manager Revenue Management Systems, Air France-KLM
- Peter Belobaba,  Director of the MIT/PODS Revenue Management Research Consortium
Panel Crew: COVID-19, In search of Gems amongst the lumps of Coal
Moderator: Daniel Stecher

- Martin Hoffman, Head of Operational Planning Optimization, SAS
- June Ma, Senior Lead Consultant, American Airlines
- Viktor Forsman, Optimization and System Delivery Manager, Cathay Pacific
- Nicolas Rhoads, SVP Labour Strategy and Crew Planning, AeroMexico
- Sunny Liao, Principal, Strategy and Market Analysis. Boeing
- Peter Reynolds, Manager Network Ops Systems & Logistics, Emirates
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