As usual, we have organized a nice social program for the conference.
It should be noted that there are some cultural issues that need to be respected in Qatar that are different from other conference locales.
Alcohol will be available in hotels, but will not be available in any other locations.
And regarding women's clothing, there are no restrictions in the hotels. However, outside the hotels women must be covered from the shoulders to and including the knees. And it is also a good idea to bring a shawl.
Registration for the conference will be available from 5 pm on Sunday, outside the main conference hall.
The first official social event is a "meet and greet" welcome reception and cocktail, which will be held beginning at 7 pm, in the exhibit area in front of the main conference hall.
Alcoholic beverages will be available.
There will be no special event on Monday, which is the first day of the technical program of the conference.
However, on Monday through Thursday, continental breakfast will be served in the exhibit area starting at 7 am.
In addition, on Monday through Thursday, there will be a morning coffee break, also in the exhibit area. The time will vary daily -- consult the detailed agenda.
Also, on Monday through Thursday, there will be a luncheon buffet, in the exhibit area, with the meal to be eaten in the conference hall. The time will vary daily -- consult the detailed agenda. Vegetarian and gluten-free options will be available.
And finally, on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday, there will be an afternoon coffee break, in the exhibit area. The time will vary daily -- consult the detailed agenda.
For dinner Monday and Thursday you are on your own, but there are many nice restaurants in and around the hotel, in the adjacent mall.
Tuesday we will begin our social event immediately after lunch.
We will be taking a bus tour to see various interesting sites in the northern part of the country, and we will end the day with a pleasant outdoor dinner.
First, we will drive by the second biggest World Cup venue: Al Bayt Stadium.
Next, we will go to the Al Khor dhow harbor and fish market.
And then to the Al Zubarah fortress.
And finally we will go to the Doha Beach Club and Restaurant for dinner.
Alcoholic beverages will be available at the beach club.
After dinner, buses will return us to the hotel.
After ending the technical program on Wednesday, we will take a short bus ride to the Souq Waqif.
The Souq Waqif is a traditional Arab bazaar. We will wander around this fascinating
example of traditional Middle Eastern culture unescorted for two hours, after which we will
reunite at the Parisa Restaurant to enjoy an evening of traditional Middle Eastern cuisine.
After dinner, buses will return us to the hotel.
The conference ends Thursday afternoon. This evening you will be on your own. There are many fine restaurants in Doha, as well as in the hotel.