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Delivering Operations Research and Analytics Innovation

The Airline Group of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies (AGIFORS) is a professional society dedicated to the advancement and application of Operational Research within the airline industry. The membership consists of Operational Research professional employed by recognized civil airlines and related industries and correspondents keenly interested in the application of Operational Research to aviation problems.

AGIFORS is the outcome of informal discussions between six airline Operational Research workers (from Air France, BEA, KLM, Sabena, Swissair and Trans Canada) who were present at the second international conference in Operational Research at Aix en Provence, France, in 1960. These informal discussions led to the formation of a committee, which organized a Symposium on the use of Operational Research within the airline industry, at Spring Valley, New York in October 1961. This Symposium was deemed successful and resulted in the formation of AGIFORS as a professional society dedicated to the free exchange of ideas and new advances in Operations Research within the airline industry.

Today the AGIFORS membership exceeds 2000 professionals representing more than 500 airlines, airline manufacturers, universities and aviation related companies and associations.

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Become a member

Membership of AGIFORS is open to employees of airlines and airline related companies, who are qualified practitioners in OR and/or working in the OR field.


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Annual Symposium

The Annual Symposium is the main focus of AGIFORS activities, and is typically held during September or October each year. AGIFORS members make presentations on various airline OR subjects. Guest speakers are invited from the academia and related industries, to present the latest state of-the art OR practices. The Symposium also includes panel sessions, discussion groups and tutorials.

Study Groups

AGIFORS sponsors several study groups focusing on specific areas within the airline business. The study groups include Reservations and Yield Management, Strategic and Schedule Planning, Cargo, Crew Management, Airline Operations and the Operational Research Managers Working Group. The study groups meet individually during the spring and focus on new technical developments and trends. The study groups also provide a forum for the presentation and discussion of new ideas and concepts applied to the airline business.

Anna Valicek Award

The Anna Valicek Award recognizes original and innovative research by graduate students in the area of airline operations research. The Anna Valicek Medals provide cash awards as well as the opportunity to present student research work at the AGIFORS Symposium meeting.

Ken Wang Scholars Program

The Ken Wang Scholars Program recognizes the quality and impact of Masters of Science major projects of practitioners and researchers who are in the early stages of their careers and engage in an airline analytics. The purpose of the scholars program is to promote both industrial and academic careers in airline analytics.

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